Monday, April 21, 2008

Dad had a meeting in Seattle on Friday so mom and I last minute decided to go with... we had fun! Since we were headed up to Seattle we had to call our cousin's to see if they were around to play. We ended up staying Friday night with them and I had such a fun time playing with Zoe and Jacob. Really just Zoe as she was pretty nice to me and liked playing with me. Mom tried once again to put 'piggy tails' in my hair (especially since my hair is getting pretty long and sometimes mom and dad say it looks like a 'mullet').... since Zoe also was supporting the piggy tails I kept mine in for over an hour.
On Saturday we had crazy cold stormy weather again so we all decided to pack up and head into Seattle to the Jimi Hendrix 'Experience Museum'. It was pretty neat... Lot's to do, see and listen too. Besides me falling and getting a fat lip it was a good day.
I also scored a lot of clothes that Zoe use to wear... in fact in the photo I have on some really cute mushroom pants and a blueberry shirt that she gave me. Mom loves 'hand me downs'.

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