Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1 1/2 year check up

1 1/2 or 18 months - however you want to think it, but I'm getting so big and learning so many things. This week I had my check up with Dr. Porter and I weighed in at 18.10 lbs (just shy of a pound since my year appt) and 32" long. We didn't even go over the % chart - thinking since I've been in the less than 5% in the past I'm pretty certain I didn't even make it on the chart. However, I'm healthy and happy so that is what is most important! I do eat pretty good and not necessarily picky but a little 'moody' with my food consumption. Although it is rare for me to pass up my carbs - love my mac/cheese, spaghetti and rice dishes.
I've been talking a lot - when I wake up, at school, in the car and at home. Of course mom and dad can't normally understand a word I say but they act like they understand me. They say yes, really, and tell me more. I do try to say certain words when they ask me to. When Mamaw and Papaw came out they always asked me to say 'mamaw and papaw' and I did. Whenever mom and dad take me out somewhere or outside they always try to ask me how to say something like grass, swing or park.
I still am sucking my thumb a lot and holding on to an ear - that's my comfort zone. I've been jumping on the bed a lot - standing and then jump up and land on my butt and I've been trying to jump on the ground but haven't quite figured that out. I'm sure I've been doing more things but can't think of everything!

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