Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hey look it's me!

We love this restaurant, Gravy in N. Portland and - great breakfast.... and we've been trying to get out to breakfast spots lately so when we visited Gravy a while back ago and then when mom dropped me off at school and found this cut out photograph in the newspaper on my board we were pleasantly surprised. Mom and dad had no idea... yeah Dad talked to the photographer at the restaurant but it had been weeks and we didn't remember at all nor did we think it would make it to the paper - better yet the A & E section (Arts and Entertainment) the only part mom would read at one time...
The Oregonian was doing a feature on Best biscuits and Gravy spots and what do you know this photo was chosen. Of course I'm looking right at the camera - so everyone new it was me and how could the photographer pass this one up!
Since mamaw and papaw are visiting next week - we'll have to take them to one of our favorite breakfast spots!

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