Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mamaw and Papaw Burton visit

Mamaw and papaw watched me for the week they were visiting... They really got to know me and I'm sure they thought I was pretty entertaining! Papaw tried teaching me how to 'jump' and so I've been practicing my 'jumping' skills since then. I'll let you know once I figure it out on the ground. Right now I really enjoy doing my 'bed jump' standing on the bed and jumping up and landing on my bottom. It's so fun!
One of the days' they took me to the Zoo. Mom came a long to and we had so much fun seeing all of the animals.
Once we finished up at the zoo I got a little souvenir - a purse with a monkey in it. I love carrying around my purses! The weather was nice and luckily not as warm as it got the next few days.
They also took me to the park near the house a lot - almost everyday so I was able to play outside and swing. On Friday we all went to the coast where there were record high tempatures and even warmer on the coast then it was in Portland which is very rare. We played in the sand and I loved the water. Between mamaw, papaw, mom and dad I got my fair share of running around.
It was so nice having them around and I sure will miss them until I see them next.

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