Saturday, June 21, 2008

This week at school we had a lot of things going on. We are moving to our NEW center next week so teachers have been organizing and packing and we had an 'end of the year' party on Wednesday. Dad even came so I was excited to see him and mom. My teachers put together a nice photo cd of me and my friends in my class for the past year. It was very nice and may show it on another blog later.
The classrooms all combined outside for music and Popsicles - I loved it and especially my 1st Popsicle. It was yummy but very cold! You can barely see me in the photo but I'm with dad enjoying the tunes.
Next week I'll start at the brand new Stringer Center on the other side of campus from our old place. They are gong to update the Paterno Center but I will be staying at the new facility as far as I know. We visited the new center this week too and it's cool. Lot's of new things to explore so I think I'll really like it.

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