Friday, October 15, 2010

Did you know?

1st I found this 'did you know' on the back of my dish soap I had gotten and it gave me an idea to post a snap shot of 'did you knows' on the blog. I always find this information interesting and always a good reminder for us - and why I continue to support natural local products when possible.
This was off the Seventh Generation dish soap. You may find it difficult to read - "If every household in the US replaced just one bottle of 25oz petroleum-based dish liquid with a 25oz plant-derived product, we could save 129,000 barrels of oil; which is enough oil to heat and cool 7,400 US homes for one year!"

I also wanted to show off our new magnetic (and chalk) board in the kitchen. Dave found an old door in the basement and worked perfectly for what we thought could be used to hang some of Bailey's art as well as announcements, etc... as we get. It's amazing what cool stuff you can come up with.

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