Sunday, October 31, 2010

My new 'hair do'

Although it's been a few weeks, I didn't want to forget to mention that Bailey got a new 'do'. Perhaps it was actually needed and it does now look super cute but it made her look so much different to us - I guess a real hair cut does that. You'll be able to see in other photo's!
I can't forget to also mention the reason for Bailey's 1st real haircut from a 'professional' - our neighbor's across the street with twin 5 year old Ethan and Sadie well from what we know Bailey told Ethan her hair was in her eyes and so Ethan said he could cut it and Bailey said yes. So Ethan cut all around her head - although Carrie my neighbor felt terrible and came right over and didn't know what to say - I burst out laughing and had this thought of terror as well because I always heard about kid's that cut their own hair or others and couldn't believe it happened to Bailey. Carrie acted like it was really bad - but when I went to take a look it wasn't so bad. Definitely needed a 'clean up' but it could have been way worse. Ethan felt really bad and was upset and Bailey just thought it was so nice of Ethan to cut her hair. She kept saying wasn't that so nice Ethan cut my hair. ha Both Carrie, Jason and myself and David definitely had to 'reiterate' that only mom cuts her hair or a hair dresser! I hope that doesn't happen again! shoo

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