Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bailey and Parker updates

We ended our streak of nice sunny weather when Saturday the rain began. And since Sunday was time change (which I'm very thankful for the late start of the time change)...it's always better when we 'fall' back and gain an hour! I went for a nice run for my extra hour - did you do anything with your 'extra' hour? I think the kid's went to bed easier as well!
Dave unfortunately was feeling under the weather all weekend so he slept a lot! boo!
Bailey loves to pick up any camera and take pictures. We had got her a 'kid' camera last year but they really don't work great. I felt like it was a waste of money and so I returned it and it wasn't missed. Kid's really want the 'real' thing. however, that could be expensive! We let her take the camera every now and then and it's pretty neat seeing what photo's she takes. She really try's to line up the photo and get a good shot.

Bailey Updates:
Bailey is turning 4 this weekend - Friday! Wow! She knows it's her birthday but she still gets days/weeks mixed up. She will say her birthday is in 3 weeks but really it's 3 days. She always asks 'is it today' or when you say tomorrow she asks, 'is that today' or is tomorrow another day?
Bailey is all about her clothes and needs more 'beautiful' clothes. Which is dresses I think but 'beautiful' dresses! Her and Evelyn a friend from across the street love to play dress up too and they are always wearing dress up clothes.
Bailey has been working on her letters - she's mastered spelling her name and is now working on her middle and last name. Drew Hetherington may take her a little longer! She has been working on putting all of the letters in a row - but it takes her awhile as she keeps having to go through the alphabet to figure out what letter is next. Patience mom!
Parker Updates:
Parker is saying 'ma ma ma ma' and 'da da da da' and she really understands what you are saying to her - especially when she's not suppose to do something. Like for example, play in bathroom (toilet). She has been doing 'twirls' and moves around in circles and keeps trying to stand on her head or do forward rolls. I think she must get this from Bailey. It's pretty entertaining to watch!

Parker and Bailey get a long most of the time but we do have instances when Bailey doesn't remember that Parker is still a baby and she has to be more gentle with her. And Bailey is learning that if she's doing something Parker wants to come help her! Bailey does not like this... but she's figuring out how to move Parker in another direction.
I've been learning a lot - parenting... forever!

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