Sunday, November 28, 2010

Holiday season has begun.

Although personally I think the best weekend to begin the holiday transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas would be the weekend following Thanksgiving, although I understand where the extra time we have makes it easier for folks to begin their holiday season and start the decorating! Is it just me or does it seem like life is just moving by at rapid speed?
We were looking at our calendar and decided if we didn't get a tree this weekend we would really cut our holiday tree time short with our weekends filling up... so once again this year we made our way out to Plumper Christmas Tree Farm and this year we enjoyed it just as much as we did last year. The tree farm was more 'manicured' this year and had a few haystack maizes, one inside a barn with a small slide and one outside. If you recall the 40' slide from last year - that was still the big hit this year but more so were all of the animals. We took our friends kid's (Liberty and Asher) who are 7 & 9 a long for the tree outing and I think everyone had fun. And we picked out the perfect tree!

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