Monday, November 15, 2010

Isn't this the cutest little outfit - my sister got it for Parker for her 1st birthday. I was able to get her 'school' photo's taken in it last week...can't wait to see how they turned out. We may actually have a printed out photo of Parker!
The outfit was made by Emily from 'That Crafty Chic', this is something you may find also at Etsy.
Parker is finally becoming more verbal - with mama mama mama and dada dada dada... she'll say hi and bye but not consistently - still giving her 'high fives' whenever it's time to leave. She does do more signing such as 'all done', 'milk' and has begun consistently doing 'more'. I love the sign language as a way for babies to communicate. She's a feisty one - must take after her dad.

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