Friday, December 17, 2010

I have been off line for awhile - trying to catch up but really where does the time go? That's what I want for Christmas! I guess taking the week off from Christmas to the New Year will help out a bit. I'll have about 1o days off from work so who can't complain about that! I'm really looking forward to spending time with the kid's and getting our craft on and perhaps if we feel really ambitious Dave wants to build Bailey (and Parker) a bunk bed. We'll see if that happens.
These past few weeks have been busy - 'tis the season! Holiday gatherings, work parties, shopping (on-line mostly and hitting some local shops)...and we wonder why things are so busy. We've had more friends watching the kid's in the past two weeks than we have all year. And still Parker cry's the entire time. I feel bad for both her and our friends that have watched Parker. Luckily it's always close to bedtime so she normally exhausts herself and then falls into a deep sleep. Last weekend after our holiday party on Friday night we traveled North to Seattle area and stayed the night at Roxanne and Todd's and family's house, while they watched the kid's Dave and I went to see Rodger Waters (Pink Floyd) perform 'The Wall' (remake from 30 years ago). It was AWESOME! Such a fantastic show - really a production. Dave got us tickets for my birthday. I'm glad it all worked out and we were able to make the trip up North to see the show.
This weekend it will be all about Christmas activities... hopefully on Sunday we will make a ginger bread house. We've never made a gingerbread house. I don't think I ever did when I was a kid either so I think we'll try it and see how it goes. What I think is basically Bailey gets to eat all of the candy we use to put on the house. Are the kid's really into making the house?
Enjoy this weekend and week before Christmas... make some cookies, decorate them and then enjoy eating them!

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