Monday, December 20, 2010

The Polar Express...

Bailey was super excited for The Polar Express; we drove up to Hood River to catch the train to The North Pole... It was a snowy morning so I think it made the trip that much more exciting and worked out well for our train ride to the North Pole! They followed the story, playing most of the music from the movie and having the story read over the sound system. The kid's wore their pajamas (and boots) and had hot chocolate and a cookie for the ride. It was about 90 minutes and probably perfect amount of time. We got to see Santa and and his elves at one of the stops. And they gave each kid a bell before getting off the train. Although Parker wasn't feeling 100% she had fun and was content with me holding her and she slept most of the time. I love having so many fun things to do during this holiday season. I hope everyone is doing something fun getting them ready for Christmas! Believe to receive!

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