Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Parker 15 months

Parker's 15 month appointment was this week - and it's been 3 weeks since she's had some sort of bug... and not sent home from school. She's a healthy girl and weighed in at 22.2 lbs and 35" long.
She's about 4" taller than Bailey was at 15 months and 3 lbs more. and Bailey had more hair at 15 months than Parker for sure. Parker's hair is starting to grow - in the above photo of Parker eating her soup - you can see her first curl. Cute! and that means her hair is growing!
Parker is talking but at the stage of not sure what she is saying. She likes to shake her head no for everything - but I don't think she's figured out Yes. She loves music and singing and has been yelling a lot.
Bailey has been great with Parker and likes to take care of her. She always wants to get her down from the bar stool in the kitchen and is normally very helpful.
It's been fun watching them interact.

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