Monday, February 14, 2011

Bailey and Parker had their Valentine's tee's on today~ I like Parker's tee that reads, 'Live in Love'... and of course 'Daddy's Girl' for Bailey.
Parker's hair is starting to grow finally - a cute photo of her after bath time! She is really trying to express herself and getting louder by the minute. Parker has been saying 'mama' a lot and now has 'dada' down. We are now

working on 'Bailey'. She'll say some animal sounds but really hasn't been getting too vocal with her animal sounds.
Parker has also been sitting on the 'potty'. and has actually used the potty a few times. She seems to be interested in the potty and is understanding when she goes. Bailey is conversationally funny. Tonight she told me she 'gave up' chicken. Doesn't like it anymore. And when Dave showed Bailey something he made for her to hang her dress up clothes on it was painted purple and she said she also gave up purple. :)

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