Thursday, February 3, 2011

Catching up!

Catching up!
I haven't been
keeping up on the blog - as much as I enjoy it, it seems like it has been moved to the back burner.
However, we are on day 26 of the detox - a mere 4 days left. We feel great. Last week was a bit challenging not planning our meals appropriately and Parker sick so a few long nights but overall we feel good. I can't really pinpoint specifics maybe I have better concentration, motivation and focus at work and hopefully a bit at home as well. I'm not sure 'lighter' is the best word describing how I feel but something a long those lines. however, I didn't lose weight really maybe a few lbs but overall I ate well so that wasn't my intention but I could see where you could lose weight. I'm pretty sure Dave lost weight - he definitely didn't need that. Dave mostly thinks eliminating caffeine has been the most change he's felt. 're-balancing' his system so at night when putting the kid's down he hasn't crashed like he had been.
There's 4 parts (4 focus points) to the detox;
1. Digestion and elimination (starting the cleanse process)
2. Removing toxins - focus on liver
3. Clear fluids - cleansing and revitalizing kidneys and skin
4. Restore and Revitalize - strengthening immune system

I'm looking forward to some coffee and chocolate!

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