Thursday, March 10, 2011

Positive Thinking

Dave and I go back and forth on this topic - he is the 'positive' thinker in the family and I always say I'm the 'realistic' thinker. However, I'm trying to 'change' the way I think. There are so many studies out there of how impactful positive thinking can be. All of those motivational speakers, life coaches, therapists, psychologists, etc... I can only imagine this is what they try and encourage you to do.
Did you know that by practicing positive self-statements, the words you repeat eventually become how you really think about yourself. Its a very powerful method used for thousands of years, across religions and cultures and sports... this is something one of our athletes at Nike has communicated to me. I personally see/hear/feel this in practicing yoga but more and more I see/hear/read about it and have to agree how important it is to practice thinking this way. Kind of like - you are what you eat; in addition how you think about things (life) will represent how you feel.
P.S. If the mind is a garden with limited space, we must actively pull the weeds and plant/nurture flowers for it to thrive...that is where the flowers came from.

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