Thursday, March 24, 2011


Sometimes Bailey wants to sleep with Parker on the bottom bunk. Normally it doesn't work out and although she may start there - typically it's either Bailey getting frustrated with Parker and moving to her top bunk or me getting frustrated and have Bailey move somewhere else so Parker will go to sleep. However, there are times when they do fall asleep (for awhile at least) and this is one of the photo's I couldn't pass up - and was wondering when one of them would wake up from their unusual sleeping position.
Sleeping has always been a challenge for our family. and I think we gave up on 'sleep training' and roll with it each night. We have a routine and both girls are in bed around the same time each night but Bailey normally doesn't want to go to bed at night - especially by herself. Normally we lay down with her in our bed and then move her to her bed which she has been sleeping in her bed all night. For Parker we put her down and sit or lay next to her bed until she falls asleep and then sneak out. Parker wakes up every night 2, 3 times and sometimes ends up in our bed. The fun of non-sleeping kids! I do love laying next to them and can't complain about that!

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