Sunday, May 15, 2011

something to blog about...

We were over at our neighbors for 'happy hour' - as the nice weather is hitting and the lighter longer days, more time to spend outside and an easy way to end a week of work.  Typically neighbors take turns hosting happy hour throughout the summer - one neighbor hangs a fish out to represent happy hour is on at their house or another neighbor has a flag.  we still haven't found our 'symbol' but maybe this summer we'll figure out something fun to represent our family.
Tonight we had our first broken window experience with Bailey and our neighbor's window - uh oh!
this time it was 'our' kid!  ha
The story....  Bailey and Evelyn we're playing in Evelyn's yard and for some reason were checking out the side of their house and after awhile when some adults hadn't heard or seen the kids' for awhile Dave went to check on them and found them staring at the glass window and knew something wasn't right.  Bailey saw a big spider (daddy long leg) and decided to big up a rock (a rather large rock) and throw it at the spider, which was crawling on the window.  and well - what happens when you throw a rock at a window?

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