Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Garden is doing GREAT!

 I thought I uploaded some photo's of our garden but they must still be on one of the camera's - If anyone has been to our house, since moving in we really hadn't done much to the outside of the house.  In the front of the house there were several rose bush plants in the front beds.  We took all of them out (a long with the 30+ rose plants in the backyard) and decided to plant our garden in the front beds since our summer plans this year was to redo the back yard.
We planted; Chard, brussel sprouts, Bok choy (didn't do well - bugs got), tomato's, onions, leeks, peppers and a few additions that must have been included in one of the plants is a zucchini plant we think and perhaps a pumpkin!  We contemplated removing them after the leaves started getting tremendous (pumpkin) but we've decided to let them go and see what happens.  We know they will take over but I just think it would be cool to grow a pumpkin or whatever it is!
The chard leaves are Huge and doing great.  the 5 tomato plants are doing great and a few are really big. I'll plan to upload some photo's soon!
 Yummy Chard!  Kid's aren't into the chard...

I love these wine barrels we picked up sometime ago - one is being used for herbs (basil, thyme, parsley, rosemary and cilantro) and the other is being used for lettuce.  I finally just planted the lettuce!

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