Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

Dave's family out on their boat celebrating the 4th of July!  Can't miss them on the lake!!
That bell looks official - I wonder where it came from.  I bet there's a story behind that bell.  

With all of the traveling for work we'd been doing - Dave got back on Saturday morning so we decided to stick around town and catch up on some house things (boring) and lucky for us our neighbors closed the street so the kid's had full run of the place.  There were several streets closed in Portland, we rode our bikes to friends, Amy and Jason to hang with them while they also were celebrating the 4th of July and their street was unofficially closed.  The sprinkler was on, Jason had an amazing spread of food, I even tried the grilled oysters on the shell.  I think he calls them, 'Oyster all-of-drews'.  Drews is Amy and Jason's last name!  Fun!

Finally at 10:30 the fireworks slowed for us - but not for anywhere else in the city!  We really should have the day after the 4th a holiday as well.

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