Wednesday, July 13, 2011

On Friday, we hosted a Happy Hour Baby Shower for our friends Tim and Jocelyn who are expecting their first baby in only a few weeks!  Bailey spent this past week at school working on a project for them.  It was really cute and so thoughtful... it was a mobile.  Jocelyn is going to take a photo of it once it's up so I will show you.  Bailey's teacher told me she probably spent 4 hours on the project!
I was really impressed and realized that if she focus's she CAN do anything.  Her teachers went on to tell me how creative she is and that they would miss her after she moves into the other class room in a few weeks.
During our 'Happy Hour Baby Shower' I did incorporate a game for all... well actually I think I only let the adults play but I should have included the kid's as well.  I bought little cans of play dough and everyone had to make a baby within 10 min. or so.  Everyone did such a great job - they were totally into it.  I must say we have some creative friends!
Again Bailey surprised me and added a 'baby carrot' into the mix.  Can you spot the baby carrot on the tray?  Tim and Jocelyn got to pick their favorite baby - the yellow baby 'wrapped in a blanket' was the Winner!  Mrs. Heather V.  

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