Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time to catch up!

It's the longest in almost 5 years from starting this blog that I haven't posted - an entire month!
I always start form the past to present on the over due posting's so with that I will start with our trip to Indiana... it was a busy month for work in June from Prefontaine to Global marketing meetings then to Indiana and back to Eugene for US Outdoor Championships.  I guess June is always busy but never remember how busy it is until you go through it!
Indiana - not many photo's were taken this trip... some unforeseen happenings on the trip and then off to Hetherington Family Camp for the weekend.
My brother Chris' kid's - Preston, Nolan and Elijah

Katelynn and boyfriend!

Katelynn turns Sweet 16!  SURPRISE!

My brother Chris and Jasmine

Bailey and cousin Gretchen - Gretchen was the announcer at the talent show at family camp!  She was great! hilarious!

Parker wearing the tutu and headband that her aunt Angie got both Bailey and Parker - unfortunately they would have been perfect to wear on the 4th of July but could not get them to wear them!  :)


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