Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life time of catching up...
Well 20 years and I was debating on going to my 20 year high school reunion, however, to take the time to spend with my girlfriends - you know the ones that you grew up with.  that lived around the block from you.  the ones that you played sports with... played your first games with.  got into trouble with.  stood up for you or perhaps didn't!  haaa the good 'ole days...  although Jena is missing from this picture and a few other girls that didn't make the reunion but the time to hang out with old friends really does make a difference.  and really makes you feel like 'really - it's been 20 years since high school?.  So weird!  I remember my parents attending their 20 year high school reunion so I'm not sure what that means but I didn't like thinking now I was going back to my 20 year high school reunion.  I think the best thing I remember about the entire night was how good I thought everyone looked.  We're really not that old!
I really appreciate Dave for staying back with the kid's while I took this weekend and did my trip - especially since my parents were flying in the same weekend.

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