Saturday, October 8, 2011

Parker is tall... 26lbs, 36" tall.

I wonder if Parker will continue to be taller than Bailey or if Parker will slow down as she grows older...  I wonder...  Parker I doing really well potty training.  She slept through the night without a diaper on last night and did great.  Of course since she got into bed with us, I think I was up every few hours probably thinking she was going to pee on me!  She does pretty good when we're 'on it' and at the house.  But I'm not yet comfortable taking to far from the house without wearing a diaper.  
Parker imitates everything Bailey does.  Bailey doesn't mind most of the time but then I hear her say things and know that it frustrates her some.  Since I've been off work on my sabbatical these past few weeks, it's been nice hanging with the kid's - I've taken them both to school a few days but not everyday and only for a short part of the day if so.  It's NICE!  
Parker is starting to talk more and put together sentences.  When she is talking about something and really into it that's when I lose her and have no idea what she is talking about but it's so fun to listen to her.  
She's becoming very independent - wanting to do everything herself.  Dress herself, get her cup for milk or water, fill her cup, put on her shoes and socks.... once again we are working more on Patience!

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