Monday, November 28, 2011

Parker isn't wearing diapers!

We are so thankful for Parker not wearing diapers anymore.  Parker has been doing really well the past few months but a few weeks ago it had become difficult to get her to wear a diaper and finally we decided to take that big leap and stick to undies.  Last week was her first full week of wearing undies to school and she did excellent.  Not even an accident!  we'll see if that continues but I'm so surprised how well she has done.  A girl knows when it's time for undies!
This photo was from 2 weekends ago when we wanted to get out and go for a little hike in the snow - and one of the first longer trips for Parker wearing 'undies'.  All successful - well maybe a shorter hike than Dave and I thought we'd do but the kid's decided that for us.   The kid's are so 'puffy' in their winter clothes.  Especially Parker.  So fun!

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