Saturday, December 17, 2011

'Tis the season...

While moving at the speed of light during this holiday season we are trying to take time and enjoy the holiday season.  With work parties, activities and work - always way too busy!
We're hoping to still hit the Grotto, Zoo lights and Peacock lane... but that's a lot to do within the week!  and we're having a holiday party at our house this Saturday - the festivities continue!
We really didn't mean to go see Santa when we were downtown but after going into Macy's there was no turning back.  Bailey was all for sitting on Santa's lap but Parker made sure to keep her distance!  there was no chance in getting her near him!
Bailey has been funny asking questions about Santa - we had plans to go to this local kid's shop in NE but we decided not to since Bailey was confused why Santa would be somewhere else and since we knew this other Santa wouldn't look like the Santa she saw previously we decided not to mess with it.  :)

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