Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bailey's new hipster Portland Hair- do (self imposed)

What a surprise!  David wondered why there was hair on the bathroom sink when he went upstairs to see what the girls
were up to...  Bailey decided she needed bangs and said, 'now I can see'.  She's pretty happy with her new hair cut and
I've tried not to make a big deal about it.  We've been using brett's to pull back the other half of bangs she didn't cut and she seems to like.  I have a few other photo's on my phone that I wanted to post but in time I think you'll definitely notice the hair cut when I post photo's!  Even after several 'talks' on only having 'professional's' and mom cut her hair this is the 2nd time she's cut her hair.  She has also cut Parker's hair a little but since Parker hardly has any hair we haven't really noticed too much.  Her new hair cut has kind of grown on me and now I can laugh about it - well actually I've laughed about it since day 1 - geez what else can you do.  I don't recall me going through this stage but I've heard plenty of other's who have.  I'm hoping this time I've hidden the scissors!!!

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