Sunday, February 5, 2012

 I'm feeling like we've been laying low this past month.  With Davids foot surgery, it may have slowed us down a bit but all in good timing with winter set in but the weather barely showing winter days.  I'm not complaining!
We've had some play dates...  rock gym outings (both Parker and Bailey are Rock Stars)!
I'll try and get some video of them rock climbing up sometime soon.
I was feeling like I've been overdue on posting.
What have we been up too?  Thinking about life - how to change it, how to travel more, how to spend more time with kid's without quitting our jobs??
We've been looking at used Volvo wagon's - I think we may be getting one this week.  we'll see.  What  a life dilemma I'm feeling.  
I loved the old Mercedes, but after 2 accidents (all my own fault) I'm not feeling the mercedes mojo any longer.  and we don't want a car payment - we bought the mercedes because we wanted a diesel so we could run bio-diesel (better for the environment) and wanted to support that cause - at a hefty price of course.  and now to go back to a 'gas' commuter I'm not feeling good about it.  But we don't want a car payment and thus we need to move on and do what works for us.  I'll fill you in on what we decide!  and in the scheme of things - this simple life dilemma isn't so bad.  
Here are a few photo's to share of my girls.  I love them so much!

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