Thursday, March 8, 2012


Our first piece of commissioned art!  I love it... Angela really did a great job of bringing all the aspects of
our family into this painting.  Dave isn't too 'sure' about the birch tree's but I think that's what really makes the painting stand out.  I think he'd rather see fir tree's because that seems 'more like us' but there's something about the birch tree's that I love.  The photograph doesn't really do the painting justice either.  and the flash takes a bit away...  there are some kid's drawings, the state of Indiana, our van, tree's, mountains, nature.... the blue polka dots represent water.

if you're interested in taking a look at other projects Angela does or want to check her out; Backyard Studio, art by Angela Hancock-Reavis
Custom family heirlooms created with love by Portland artist, Angela Hancock-Reavis. Photographs and cherished mementos are lovingly collaged with oil paints on canvas to create a custom work of art that will last a lifetime. 

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