Saturday, March 31, 2012

Parker's first trip to the hospital...

Parker is a tough girl and mostly happy and curious
about things... she was great with the doctors and didn't
cry a bit.  They were very surprised.  

Parker's cut on her finger... she wouldn't let me take
a photo of her finger with the bandaid off - she kept trying
to hide it.  She didn't like looking at it.  
My first trip to the Children's hospital for a laceration on top of her ring finger...  accident with a broken coffee ceramic mug that I had in my hand while Parker trying to get out of the car.  Boo!  Luckily the doctor was able to 'glue' it back together.

Ironically 1 week later (which was this past Wednesday) I was shopping with Parker and Bailey at Wholefoods and while Parker was trying to run from me as I grabbed onto her arm and she pulled away - I felt a pop and then she started crying and wouldn't move her arm.  I wasn't sure if it was her wrist, elbow or arm... and after an hour and talking to the doctor on the phone I made my 2nd trip to the Children's hospital in two weeks!  Boo!  Basically we dislocated Parker's elbow, it's a condition called; 'Nursemaid Elbow'.  The doctor took a few times and was able to pop it back in....  scary!  I felt like the biggest loser of a mom... both times!!  I'm hoping that will be the end of my ER visits.

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