Sunday, April 22, 2012

Huntington Beach, CA - 2nd part of our trip

These two 'Beach' photo's are the only ones I got at the Beach.  I would forget my
camera ever time.  This was taken from my phone on my morning runs.  The first morning
I ran on the pathway - I kept thinking I wanted to run on the beach but I didn't see
anyone else running on the beach.  All using the pathway.  The second morning I ran on the
beach.  It was hard... I forgot how hard it was to run on soft sand.  But a
better work out I'm sure.  

We were so lucky to be able to stay with our friend Allison who
lives just blocks from the beach!  When we first arrived - the
girls got so excited to be near a pool and it being warm out (when
you were in the sun anyway).  

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