Friday, May 25, 2012

Smith Rock climbing trip

And we're on our way... Dave gets to carry all
 of the Rock Climbing gear.  I think I definitely made out on this part of the trip!
We camped a few files outside Smith Rock and got up early and drove
straight to the park.  It was so nice to get out here early and then have the
kid's run around while we got all of our stuff together.  When we woke up and
started driving we knew it was going to be a good day!

Caitlyn, Parker and Bailey overlooking Smith...  Such a cool Photo shot - Christie
took this one.  
Sophia decided to get in this photo with the rest of the girls.  They all
were so good.  Bailey even napped for about an hour while we climbed!  Funny
she's the oldest one and the only one that napped.

While we were hiking in... the kid's knew what was up - they
immediately started climbing on everything.  Parker would
follow right behind Bailey.  Bailey was a good leader.  

After we were walking out - such an amazing day.  

Bailey did awesome!  It was such a better climbing experience
this time than when we climbed in Joshua Tree.  As she
said, there are actual holds!  

and most important...Bailey was having fun.
She kept saying okay after this one I want down.
Then she'd find another hold and move up and
she would say, okay after this one I want down.

Parker was all set - she got Christies climbing shoes
on, her harness is on... maybe next time we'll try
and get her up on the rope!  

Bailey did so good - she was so brave!  We were so proud!!

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