Thursday, July 19, 2012

Olympic Trials T&F

12 days in Eugene, OR for Olympic Trials - Yes it was a long time but after working the athlete hospitality during the day the High light was definitely hitting the track to watch great performances every day/night!
This photo was from the last day (Sunday) when some of the athletes that made it on the Olympic Team hopped on the 'Road to London' Bus and took a lap.
There were so many great performances... a few of my personal favorites were Ashton Eaton's Decathlon World Record!!  Not much more to say about that.
The Men's and Women's 10k have increasingly been some of my favorite events...maybe because I see those athletes more and have some what of a connection with them.  Then the 5k...  when each of the runners run their heart out and come soooo close but end up 4th!  
Dave brought the kid's down on Saturday to enjoy some of the festivities that were happening around the trials and then hit the track meet.  
Tuesday/Wednesday were the 'off' days from the track and we hosted an Athlete/VIP Bowling party. Everyone got Bowling shirts!

Gretchen, Jill and Linda (Grammy) came to visit while I was working to help Dave with the girls and to visit.  Bailey and Parker absolutely loved it!!  Parker and Bailey still are talking about Gretchen (actually Parker has been blaming things on Gretchen which I find completely funny).  
 Our weather for the Olympic trials was not ideal... way more cool and rainy than expected!!

 Start of the 5k.

Men's 400.

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