Monday, July 30, 2012

Spending the day in Hood River, OR

Parker posing on top of the outdoor climbing structure at Water
front park in Hood River.  What a great day!  The park is so close
to the open water swimming 'beach' area - so we spent some time
at the park and a lot of time playing in the sand and water.  

Look mom I made it to the top!
Parker making her move to the top - and without
any help from me!

A super spot with nice scenery in front of us, a lot of kite boarding and wind
surfers in the Gorge.   A little breeze would come through which made it perfect
since it was in the 80's.  Ross, Marisol, Evan and Vivian came to Hood River and
met us which made it even more fun to hang out with friends we haven't spent much
time with in awhile.  We ended our time with dinner at one of our favorite spot's, 6th Street Bistro.

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