Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mamaw and Papaw's visit

 I think we wore my folks out while they came to visit!  Although not documented in photo's below, my dad helped Dave do all of the new back deck that was torn down before dad got here and now the cement is poured, poles in, plat form built, and dad finished up laying the deck while Dave was out with the boys on a backpacking trip!
Then Dave and my mom (I think my mom mostly) canned about 16 quarts of applesauce!  A few days she made tomato sauce and we ended up canning 5 quarts of sauce and tomato juice.  It was GREAT having them and I know we wouldn't have been able to get through all of our tomatoes and apples if we didn't have her here!
They got here just in time for Parker's birthday party where we had 12 friends over which I was feeling a bit anxious about but ended up just fine and pretty low key.  It was nice having my parents here for the party but also for the Clean up!  :)  We love you!

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