Sunday, October 28, 2012

Picking Grapes!

A few weeks ago, on a very warm fall morning, we all went to a friends grape farm to pick grapes.  We were picking Pino Grigio for our friend's Dana wine.  We wanted to see the entire process from Picking the grapes to pressing to putting in barrels,  etc.... but because of prior plans we only helped with picking the grapes.  The girls helped and ate some of the grapes but I found it very fulfilling.  I could have picked all day long.  I'm sure the warm weather and sunshine helped with that feeling.  and the beauty of the area!
We were in Banks, Oregon, about 40 min from Portland and about 30 min. from the coast.

After a short time of being in the vineyard, the girls decided they needed to lose their shirts.  We couldn't believe how warm it was.  

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