Thursday, November 15, 2012

Bailey turns 6!

 Bailey turned six years old this past week!  She is getting so big.  As mentioned to some in the past few weeks, Bailey explained to us just she had her first boy crush (on Liam who is in her class), however, this past week she hasn't spoken about him one time so I'm sure it has passed.
We celebrated Bailey's birthday at Academy Theater - watching the movie Brave.  It was a cute movie and had a few scary sections but we kept most of the kid's in the theater.  We had a fun time.
Bailey picked out her 'birthday dress' - it's a tank top style dress but she was cold so luckily we had this button up sweater - but one thing we didn't have was any 'dress' shoes.  I actually meant to look for some for her but forgot.  
Dave and I were proud that we made her cake!  It was fun to decorate with two layers and some yummy 'classic vanilla frosting' in-between layers of cake.  Turned out well!!

Bailey got some clothes from Grammy and Pappy - This dress was her favorite!  She kept hugging it.  

Bailey loved getting the horse and barbie from Mamaw and Papaw - she likes brushing the horses hair!

This is Bailey's new kitten!  The closest she'll ever come to getting a real kitten in this house!

Bailey loves her new bow and arrow set - and I think coming off from watching the movie Brave -
the princess carries a bow and arrow so it was good timing.  Bailey has been shooting her arrows... and so had Dave!
We may have to get an 'archer' set - set up in our back yard.  

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