Sunday, December 9, 2012

Amy's 40th!

 So I was a pretty lucky girl and 2012 was a big mile stone for me - turning 40!  Go big... Angie and Janelle my roommates in college at IU and college friend Diane and I all met up in Fort Lauderdale, FL (where Angie lives) and started a girls weekend from there.  Angie really set us up - and it was so fun to see old friends that I hadn't seen in years.  The following day of arriving we borrowed Justin's jeep (Angie's husband) and road tripped down South to the Southern most point in the United States.  Key West, FL.

The week after returning from FL, Dave, Mr. Wonderful - set up a night out; starting off with some friends meeting up at a local Portland distallary - and then from there went to our house where lots of friends were there ready to celebrate with me.  Dave had some nice appetizers, pizza, a poster made for me, balloons and all of our Portland friends (and well he had some help from friends I know...).  They made it feel very special.
Then I heard a big bus pull up - and another surprise was pulled off.  and what was waiting was the Cascade Cruiser bus.  We saw this bus at The Northwest String Summit music fest this past year and it was so fun.  Everyone got on the bus and there were music (thanks to John and Scott) and drinks, snacks, lights, and it even had a fog machine.  We had such a fun time making numerous stops around the town.  Dave is the Best.

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