Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Friday, I went for a run during lunch at work and found this dog who wouldn't stop running with me and he
didn't have tags and no owner in site.  My friend Christie was with me and after running around trying to find someone to take him, we ended up bringing him back to campus and in Christie's car until the end of the day.  The dog then came home with me and boy the kid's were excited!  We remembered quickly how messy dogs are - we can tell we haven't been dog owners for awhile!  Dave kept cleaning up the floor after he drank his water... of course trailing water 20 feet from the bowl.
'Peter' was short lived - as the owner posted on Craig's list and came to pick him up the following day.  It was a good reminder for pet ownership - and we're not quite ready for a dog.  Although Bailey would say otherwise and asked Santa for a dog, but then she has also asked for a guinea pig and hamster.  Sorry Bailey Santa checks in with parents on live animals and not this year!  I'm wondering if she'll be sad.... until tomorrow!

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