Monday, May 25, 2015

Black Butte weekend.

Black butte weekend! Our friends Katie and Pete invited us to stay with them in black butte for the Memorial Day weekend. We rode the bikes around, swam in the pools, and went to Smith Rock to climb one day (my highlight)!
Parker sporting or riding attire. 
Smith Rock - always Rocks!!
Parker on the wall!

Bailey on the wall!

Girls + Carson all got on the wall ans successfully climbed and repelled Down. 
Dave on the wall!
Amy on the wall - the 5.10b gave me troubles!! I stopped the first time around and went back to it and finally topped it. 
I looked back at our notes from 2005 and thought the same thing which I didn't like it much then and I didn't like it much this weekend either (at least the beginning)!

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