Monday, September 7, 2009

Transition in seasons...

Labor day weekend... the clashing of two seasons amongst us! Summer is coming to an end which makes us sad but how nice when the fall weather is upon us and time to break out the jeans and sweaters. Although this weekend with wild rain storms in the forecast - I guess camping wasn't going to be in store for us anyway and with all of the house work we have to do it wasn't even mentioned. No photo's this weekend of the house updates - Dave's been working on more painting. The trim and ceiling in the kitchen - ceiling is done but the trim needs another coat. The tile has been laid in the 1/2 bath but needs to be grouted. Dave has been working on installing the cork floor in the kitchen today and is still there at the house as I type (over 12 hours later).
The vanity has been painted and ready for the concrete counter to be installed tomorrow~ really looking forward to seeing this transition. I do way better on smaller projects! I'm a results ended person - and quick results are usually better! Something that has not been happening these past 5 months. Taking me out of my comfort zone over and over again...

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