Friday, October 16, 2009

Lucky for us, Grammy brought Bailey a new bathing suit since we've seemed to have lost the other few that Mamaw has sent us. Bailey likes to wear and then run around the house in circles doing laps. She always asks us to 'cheer' for her when she runs around the house.
Last weekend we got out and went to the Portland Nursery for their annual Apple tasting. Their were about 50 different varieties of apples to taste and then you could purchase for a really inexpensive price per lb. We bought apples to make an apple pie (Dave's making) and to make Carmel covered apples - Yummy!
Check out Bailey's make-due apron for baking...she helped make banana bread since we had some old banana's we needed to use up! Still trying to figure out the 'convection oven'. Definitely haven't figured out best cooking method when using convection.

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