Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

I feel terrible that I didn't dress up Parker for Halloween...besides putting her in the 'I love my mummy' shirt. It was a Halloween shirt and since it was a 'new born' shirt I felt like we needed to get more wear out of it. However, I had forgotten about the 'cow' outfit my mom sent - so Parker wore that the day after Halloween. I'm sure Parker didn't mind... I also am feeling like here's where it starts; and It's not looking like I'm going to be one of those SUPER MOMS.
Bailey had so much fun being a spider - a nice spider; the "Itsy Bitsy Spider". I really thought and wanted to make Bailey's costume but as the weeks went by I realized going to one store was going to be tough enough for me...
Both Dave and I semi-dressed up since we had been bugs about 4 years ago - I wore my 'spider eyes' which I just love and when else do you get to wear fake eye lashes?

1 comment:

Heather said...

I LOVE her Itsy spider outfit!!!!! (and your eyes are pretty cool)