Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More birthday cheer

After mamaw and papaw left on Saturday morning - we started getting ready for Bailey's friend birthday party that afternoon. Of course we couldn't get it together the previous weekend so unfortunately mamaw and papaw missed it. Luckily they were here for Bailey's actual birthday though and got her lot's of birthday presents!
Bailey had an excellent time (besides her stomach hurting for part of the day)- she had so much fun with Avery. Reece, Evan, Sophia and Kai, Lilia and Vivian too. Baby Olivia, Chase and Ava were there too. Lot's of babies... and Teacher Barb came too which really made Bailey happy! We all had a great time. In fact on Sunday Bailey didn't even get out of her pajamas except she did switch into her Colts jersey that Grammy and Pappy had gotten her for her birthday. Colts played that evening so it was perfect.

1 comment:

amy said...

So bummed we had to miss it. Glad to see that Bailey's wearing her Party Pants!