Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bailey's 1st Dentist appt

Wow - we had no idea what to expect when I took Bailey to her first dentist appointment. A friend referred us to a great pediatric dentist which happened to be a block from our house! I was trying to prepare Bailey for the appointment (which Dave said I was scaring her because I kept bringing it up) but it all worked out. Thanks to the 'pediatric' dentist and her assistants who actually do all of the work were excellent. Kristin Badger was our dentist - dentistry for children... luckily we arrived a little early (how often does that happen) and right a way Bailey was at ease with the 'small movie theater' set up in the lounge and kid's play area. Bailey got to play before hearing her name and taken back to the area where they clean your teeth - each of the chairs were colored with vibrant colors (she picked the pink chair) and the gal was so great with her. I don't think she would have gotten a full teeth cleaning or fluoride treatment otherwise. Bailey also got to wear these cool pink glasses while getting her teeth cleaned.
I bet they didn't have 'pediatric dentists' when we were growing up! They are making it easy on us. Needless to say, Bailey did great and came out of the dentist with a few treats and a bright smile (and no cavities - but they did suggest starting to floss in the back - oh that's fun).

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