Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I will be posting some photo's of our Southern California trip soon! We had a fabulous time...although Dave was in a training class daily me and the girls got to play and enjoy some sunshine. Aunt Angie even came for a few days, which made it more of a true vacation!

However, I wanted to do a quick post for EARTH DAY! Although, everyday is earth day in our family - a gentle reminder to ask you 'what can you do to help our earth'?
I wanted to ensure something fun was being done at Bailey's school for Earth day and If I was in town I would have participated in something since I feel so strongly about this subject. and AWARENESS is needed at all levels! There are a lot of fun activities you can google, some fun kid's activities at this link!

by Harry Behn
Trees are the kindest things I know,
They do no harm, they simply grow
And spread a shade for sleepy cows,
And gather birds among their bows.
They give us fruit in leaves above,
And wood to make our houses of,
And leaves to burn on Halloween
And in the Spring new buds of green.
They are first when day's begun
To tough the beams of morning sun,
They are the last to hold the light
When evening changes into night.
And when a moon floats on the sky
They hum a drowsy lullaby Of sleepy children long ago...
Trees are the kindest things I know.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful earth we live on and the surroundings for you and your family!

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