Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parker 7 months!

Parker has finally caught up with rolling, scooting around and sitting up. She's not fully sitting up by herself for long periods of time but is close! However, she is scooting all over the place - won't lay still. and if she wants something she will go and get it! She's started to get up on all fours and rock back and forth but mostly scoots around.
A few weeks ago, while on vacation Parker started waving (did I already mention that). She will wave hello/good bye or just for fun whenever. It's super cute! I've been working on some other sign language such as 'all done' and 'more' when feeding Parker. Since she started the 'wave' I know she is understanding and will incorporate more signs into our evening activities.
Oh and I almost forgot - while I was traveling for work last weekend, Parker now has 2 bottom teeth! Lucky for me I missed the Friday night drama. :) but made sense when Dave told me Saturday morning that Parker had a tooth!

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