Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How our week goes... we are loving the longer days, easier to get up in the morning and easier to stay up later too! My friend Christy suggested I post a photo of Bailey climbing on the refrigerator because she is always doing it and is so strong! Ever since we moved into the house that has been Bailey's trick. She is a really strong girl - and we keep saying we need to get her into something (gymnastics) but now that the weather is getting nicer outside it's hard to do something inside! Maybe fall time! Parker is starting to crawl - hopefully I'll have some video soon! This week however, she's been at home with a temperature and fighting some kind of bug!
Bailey has been helpful with the chicks and helping dad clean out their cage a few times a week. She likes using her bucket and shovel to put more of the wood shavings in the bottom of the cage.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Ok. So there a ton of great pics of Dave and the kids...I think we need to see Amy too!!