Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We are lucky to be so close to the Farmers market so when we are in town I think this will be a weekly stop.
Although I
often think it will be a quick trip - we typically will run into lots of neighbor and school folks. Bailey had fun running into her friend Bebow... it was super cute. Although Bailey continues doing this dance where she smacks her butte! Where did she learn that??
A fun hike at nearby by Powell Butte and ending our day at the Alberta Art Hop and eating a slice of pizza and ice cream! On Sunday we went to the Healy's for a double birthday - it was nice to hang out with the Healy family and all of the kid's running around. Parker was pretty fussy but as soon as she found the swing she loved it! and fell asleep which helped us!
We are now on the look out for a swing so we can hang on our front porch! I'll be looking at Craigslist!!!

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