Monday, May 3, 2010

We've got chicks! Our Urban Farm

The start of the chicken coop has began, but Dave seems to think he'll be finished within the '8 week' time frame! Let's all hope so since we have 5 little chicks now!
Dave did a lot of research on our feathered friends and after talking to a few folks, him and Bailey picked out the variety of chickens we decided on. I have to say Dave really took the lead on this one and is very excited to finally get chicks. About 4 years ago we almost got chicks - without any researching or thinking about it at all. And since then Dave's been bringing it up... finally he got the chicks and is building the coop. The floor of the coop is in as of Sunday but I took this photo on Saturday (with our lovely fence in the back ground). The plans for the coop and connecting tool shed are all on paper and can't wait until it's finished.
Bailey seems to like the chicks and has been gentle with them when she holds them. Of course we've had to change the rules since she has left the gate open while I was fixing dinner yesterday... Parker seems to like them as well. Let's all hope they
continue liking them when they become hens! We have 5 different varieties and colors. I'm sure I'll be posting more photo's of the chicks going forward! I'm looking forward to walking out back to get our fresh eggs.


Jill said...

Are you going to name them?
From: Your Niece Gretchen

amy said...

How fun! Can't wait to see your coop.

Heather said...

Love the chicks!!! Good luck with them!! you crazy west coasters. :)